Tag Archives: Ace Cosgrove


I often get a lot of people sending me their music saying that it’s next big thing.  And usually — it isn’t. So when Ace Cosgrove sent me a link to his new album UsvsRobots, I cautiously bumped it, and I was blown away.

UsvsRobots is a clever, dynamic effort from the young Maryland native. He delivers everything from effortless stoner-rap on “Making Moves” and “High 5,” to well-executed retro-rap on “Golden Chills,” and a funky track reminiscent of N.E.R.D. on “Getting Loot.”

While still a relative unknown, Ace is gaining steam and has every right to hold down a spot on your iPod. Stay tuned for my exclusive interview with Ace Cosgrove, and a new video release next Tuesday on KLX.