Tag Archives: healing

Music Heals. Cudi Healed.

Back in September 2009, I was just starting out in University, attempting to figure out how to grow up. Just as school started, an album came out that changed my life forever.Kid Cudi - Man on the Moon: The End of Day

Kid Cudi’s Man on the Moon: The End of Day was one of the realest, rawest albums that I had ever heard, and immediately struck a chord unlike anything before. Cudi spoke of the struggles of growing up, drinking and doing drugs, and trying to fit in in a society of misfits. The second song “Soundtack 2 My Life” describes just how MOTM was to me: it was a soundtrack so fitting, so aligned with where I was, that it played non-stop, all day, every day. It was definitely the soundtrack to my life at the time. The platinum single “Day ‘N’ Nite” was the anthem.

I've got some issues that nobody can see, and all of these emotions are pouring out of me. I bring them to the light for you, it's only right. This is the soundtrack to my life.


Each song tells a story, a segment of Cudder’s life, a cross-section of emotions and unanswerable questions. The overarching concept of the project was Cudi’s emotional struggles, coping with them, overcoming them, and moving forward. From start to finish the theme is clear, and you are taken on a journey deep into Cudi’s mind. He amazingly didn’t just tell you the story, but brought you along for the ride.

We see a clear progression from darkness, to uncovering and understanding, to triumph – albeit temporary. Or, in Cudi-speak: nightmares, to trips, to a new beginning. Common provides meaningful narration of Cudi’s journey, taking us through the album’s five acts: Nightmares, Rise of the Night Terrors, Taking a Trip, Stuck, and A New Beginning.

At the end of the day, my momma told me that you'll never break me. At the end of the day, my momma told me nobody ever could stop me. At the end of the day you can't regret it if you were tryin: At the end of the day I'm walking with the heart of a lion.

Classifying MOTM as hip hop is an requires an extra-large asterisk. The album is one of the most experimental ‘hip hop’ albums ever released, period. It encompasses sounds that were never heard before in the genre, and redefined the boundaries of all genres, thanks in part to appearances by MGMT and Ratatat.

The sound was so different, and so was Cudi’s delivery, that it was hard not to listen again. Cudi slows to a speech during several songs, and perhaps this is how he is able to build such and intimate connection with listeners.

I'mma zone out till I lose feeling. Remember, I'mma be gone way past November. Even stay up there, floatin' hopin' I could find peace somewhere.

*  *  *

Recently, my grandfather passed away. It was the first time I had lost anyone close to me that I can remember well, and I had never dealt with anything like it before. I didn’t know how I would deal with it, but as I do whenever I have a lot on my mind, I put on my music.

I went right to MOTM, almost without thinking. While I basked in it, all the feelings I had when I first heard it immediately came back. It reminded me of all it did for me when it came out. It helped me think of all the good things in life, all the great memories I had with Zaida, and that all I could do was cherish those memories, and look forward to creating new ones.

I'm on the pursuit of happiness and I know, everything that shines ain't always gonna be gold. Hey I'll be fine just once I get. I'll be good.

It’s hard to explain why, but music has an incredible healing power. Everyone has that artist, that song, that album, that speaks to them. It’s inexplicable why this happens, but it does, and it is something to embrace, something beautiful.

For me, Man on the Moon will always be that album. Its shine will never tarnish, its effect will never wear off, and it will never become over-played. Scott Mescudi was able to take me on his journey, and prepared me for mine.


I'll be up, up, and away; up, up, and away. Cause in the end they'll judge me anyway, so whatever.

“Day ‘N’ Nite” – KiD CuDi (Man on the Moon: The End of Day)